The Security System Service Resource Buyers mailing list allows marketers to target organizations that provide offsite monitoring of security system devices ranging from home burglar systems to commercial fire alarms. These professionals rely on resource materials like books, reports, newsletters, and audio tapes to stay abreast of topics on intruder detection devices, new technology and emergency response.
119,883 | Total Universe / Universe Rate | $130.00/M |
119,883 | US Postal Addresses | $130.00/M |
149,659 | Female Professionals | $140.00/M |
4,855 | Emails | $280.00/M |
The Security System Service Resource Buyers mailing list allows marketers to target organizations that provide offsite monitoring of security system devices ranging from home burglar systems to commercial fire alarms. These professionals rely on resource materials like books, reports, newsletters, and audio tapes to stay abreast of topics on intruder detection devices, new technology and emergency response. These professionals purchase products ranging from telecommunications to motion detection for successful security surveillance.
Reach executives, managers, and other industry professionals who work at companies that monitor home and business security systems to protect against break-ins, theft, fire, flood and more. Beyond monitoring, these establishments can also offer additional services such as installation and maintenance of systems. Professionals in this list contact the owners and proper authorities including the police or fire department to assess the emergency. Security systems include door sensors, motion detectors, smoke detectors, window sensors and tamper sensors that trigger an alarm to dispatch emergency personnel. These professionals seek vendor partners for solutions in business strategies, training, new technology, surveillance, customer acquisition and marketing strategies. They attend seminars on an ongoing basis for career advancement opportunities and industry education.
Security Systems: Burglar alarm monitoring and maintenance, fire alarm monitoring and maintenance, security and surveillance system devices
Products and Services Purchased: Industry magazines, computers, software, laptops, alarms, security lights, automation, access control, remote control, safes, speakers, intercoms, power supplies, mobile devices, cameras, headphones, monitors, diagnostics, i-cloud platforms, business cards, and more
Who Would Purchase this List: Publications, business apparel providers, computer manufacturers, security system manufacturers, software developers, consultants, event and tradeshow organizers, office supply providers, technology providers, credit card issuers, continuing education providers and others allied to the field.
Telephone Numbers | $50.00/M |
Transmission | $125.00/M |
Suppression | $150.00/F |
HTML Set Up Fee | $150.00/F |
Geography | $10.00/M |
Key Coding | $5.00/M |
EMAIL DELIVERY | $100.00/F |
FTP | $100.00/F |