Interior Design Magazine Business Mailing List, owned by Interior Design Media Group, a division of Sandow Media LLC, is the magazine for the interior design professional marketplace.
95,682 | Total Universe / Universe Rate | $140.00/M |
14,502 | Total Active Subscribers | $150.00/M |
61,745 | Home Address Total | + $15.00/M |
33,023 | Business Address Total | + $15.00/M |
81,180 | Paid Expired Subscribers | $120.00/M |
State | $15.00/M |
SCF | $15.00/M |
Zip | $15.00/M |
Home Address | $15.00/M |
Business Address | $15.00/M |
Job Title | $20.00/M |
Business / Industry Type | $20.00/M |
Key Coding | $3.50/M |
P/S LABELS | $20.00/M |
RUN CHARGE | $10.00/M |
$100.00/F |
Job Title (20.00/M) Interior Designer 22,787 Architect 3,989 Industrial Designer 488 Facility Manager 723 Corp Mgmt/Ceo/Owner/Pres 7,198 Other 10,991 Exec w/ID Responsibility 3,238 Business / Industry Type (20.00/M) Interior Design 27,122 Architectural Firm 4,266 Industrial Design Firm 471 Office Furn Dealer/Retail 1,476 Corp Svc Bus Mfg Gov Whlsl 2,958 Student/Educ Inst/Library 2,885