Insurance Product Buyers Register

Insurance Product Buyers Register reaches professionals who buy insurance products to protect company assets, provide employee health benefits, build wealth and more. Insurance product buyers own businesses, manage insurance agencies and work in HR departments.

48,693 Total Universe / Universe Rate $125.00/M
48,693 US Postal Addresses $125.00/M
40,073 US Emails $275.00/M
17,011 International Emails $425.00/M


Insurance Product Buyers Register reaches professionals who buy insurance products to protect company assets, provide employee health benefits, build wealth and more. The Insurance product buyers are owners of businesses, manage insurance agencies and work in HR departments.


Insurance product buyers own businesses, manage insurance agencies and work in HR departments. They need insurance to protect company assets, provide employees with company benefits, protect mortgage lenders from buyer default, insure fleet vehicles, provide unemployment benefits, and much more. Types of insurance include: commercial, life, health, vision, dental, disability, liability, marine, flood, mortgage, travel, agriculture, UCC, and title. Insurance instruments can also help build wealth by adding annuities and retirement accounts to portfolios. This audience will research available options and purchase the insurance that covers their needs based on policy cost, deductible, and coverage. They pursue continuing education opportunities to advance their careers and stay current in insurance offerings.


These professionals purchase insurance to protect building structures, provide employee medical benefits, provide workmen’s comp insurance, offer financial instruments like annuities for portfolios, advise customers on insurance options, review insurance policies.


This is a great list for offers from publishers, insurance brokers, consultants, apparel providers, event coordinators, software and computer providers, investment firms, recruiters, financial institutions, legal advisors, continuing education providers, and credit card issuers.


Sales Volume $20.00/M
Employee Size $20.00/M
Telephone Numbers $50.00/M
Transmission $150.00/M
Suppression $150.00/F
HTML Set Up Fee $150.00/F
Geography $10.00/M
Job titles $20.00/M
Key Coding $5.00/M
FTP $100.00/F


Sales Volume   (20.00/M)
$0 - 1M 		
$1 - 10M 		
$10 - 50M 		
$50 - 100M 		
$100 - 250M 		
$250 - 500M 		
$500M - 1B 		
gt; $1B 		

Employee Size   (20.00/M)
1-10 employees 		
11-50 employees 		
51-200 employees 		
201-500 employees 		
501-1,000 employees 		
1,001-5,000 employees 		
5,001-10,000 employees 		
10,001+ employees 		

Job titles   (20.00/M)
New Business Development Manager 		
Sales Development Director 		
Market Development Manager 		
Chief Digital Officer 		
Product Development Director 		

Ordering Instructions

  • 5,000 Name Minimum Order $0.00 Minimum Price
  • Please Inquire about Net Name
  • Exchange is not available
  • Broker Commission 20% on base
  • Agency Commission 15% on base
  • Reuse is available