Industrial Machinery Manufacturing Times

Industrial Machinery Manufacturing Times mailing list allows marketers to target facilities engaged in producing machinery, equipment and components, not elsewhere classified, for general industrial use ranging from cremating ovens to centrifugal purifiers.

259,444 Total Universe / Universe Rate $130.00/M
259,444 US Postal addresses $130.00/M
33,658 Female Professionals Postal Addresses $140.00/M
11,500 Emails $280.00/M


Industrial Machinery Manufacturing Times mailing list allows marketers to target facilities engaged in producing machinery, equipment and components, not elsewhere classified, for general industrial use ranging from cremating ovens to centrifugal purifiers. These professionals rely on resource materials like books, reports, newsletters, and audio tapes to stay abreast of topics that include business growth strategies and optimizing manufacturing processes. Along with offline and online publications, these professionals purchase products like metal cutters and electronic components for daily operation.
Sales Volume $20.00/M
Employee Size $20.00/M
Telephone Numbers $50.00/M
Transmission $125.00/M
Suppression $150.00/F
HTML Set Up Fee $150.00/F
Geography $10.00/M
Key Coding $5.00/M
FTP $100.00/F



Sales Volume   (20.00/M)

Less than $500,000 		

$500,000 to $1 Million 		

$1 Million to $2.5 Million 		

$2.5 Million to $ 5 Million 		

$5 Million to $10 Million 		

$10 Million to $50 Million 		

$50 Million to $100 Million 		

$100 Million to $500 Million 		

$500 Million to $1 Billion 		

Over $1 Billion 		



Employee Size   (20.00/M)

1 to 4 		

5 to 9 		

10 to 19 		

20 to 49 		

50 to 99 		

100 to 249 		

250 to 499 		

500 to 999 		

1000 to 4999 		

5000 to 9999 		

10000 or more 		


Ordering Instructions

  • 5,000 Name Minimum Order $0.00 Minimum Price
  • 85% Net Name available on orders of 50,000 or more ($10.00/M Run Charge)
  • Exchange is not available
  • Broker Commission 20% on base
  • Agency Commission 15% on base
  • Reuse is available