The Government Administration Decision Makers reaches professionals who make the policy decisions and carry out operations in governmental departments and agencies. This list provides the most current data available to reach officials at the federal, state and municipal levels.
22,087 | Total Universe / Universe Rate | $125.00/M |
22,087 | US Postal Addresses | $125.00/M |
16,896 | US Emails | $275.00/M |
The Government Administration Decision Makers reaches professionals who make the policy decisions and carry out operations in governmental departments and agencies. This list provides the most current data available to reach officials at the federal, state and municipal levels.
Sales Volume | $20.00/M |
Employee Size | $20.00/M |
Telephone Numbers | $50.00/M |
Transmission | $150.00/M |
Suppression | $150.00/F |
HTML Set Up Fee | $150.00/F |
Geography | $10.00/M |
Key Coding | $5.00/M |
EMAIL DELIVERY | $100.00/F |
FTP | $100.00/F |
Sales Volume ($20.00/M) $0 - 1M $1 - 10M $10 - 50M $50 - 100M $100 - 250M $250 - 500M $500M - 1B > $1B Employee Size ($20.00/M) 1-10 employees 11-50 employees 51-200 employees 201-500 employees 501-1,000 employees 1,001-5,000 employees 5,001-10,000 employees 10,001+ employees