Energy and Power Business Email from Webcom Communications

Energy and Power Business Email from Webcom Communications reaches business executives and technical professionals in all sectors of energy and power markets including electrical and gas utilities, oil and gas companies, pipeline companies, renewable energy, energy management and energy equipment providers.

71,293 Total Universe / Universe Rate $300.00/M
71,293 U.S. emails $300.00/M
Transmission + $120.00/M


Energy and Power Business Email from Webcom Communications reaches business executives and technical professionals in all sectors of energy and power markets including electrical and gas utilities, oil and gas companies, pipeline companies, renewable energy, energy management and energy equipment providers.


With selects like gender, state, zip code, phone, job level and industry, marketers can easily target desired audiences in the power and energy industry. Power and utility professionals are in the business to heat homes, keep lights on, run well pumps, and send electricity through the power grid. They purchase raw materials like petroleum to generate and transmit energy from electrical plants, nuclear plants and refineries. They seek renewable power sources like wind, biomass and solar to minimize pollution and repurpose waste materials. They need resources to minimize power outages, recruit and train talent, provide safety, and manage plant operations.


Industries: Electronics, Energy, Manufacturing, Electrical, Infrastructure, Oil and Gas, Utilities


Job duty snapshot: Generate power and energy, develop emission controls, provide distribution, monitor output, purchase raw materials to convert to energy, store power, test and measure, market product, provide ongoing research and development, conduct market research, provide engineering services


 Purchase Products: Industry publications, computers, laptops, software, mobile devices, electronics, pneumatics, diagnostics, welding supplies, demand response meters, heavy equipment, utility fleet vehicles, safety gear, meters, power tools, pipe, engines, pumps, turbines, automation systems, valves, heavy equipment, business attire, and travel accessories.


 List Purchasers: Publishers, software developers, computer manufacturers, environmental agencies, regulatory agencies, R&D facilities, facilities management, logistics, office supply providers, apparel providers, financial institutions, legal advisors, credit card issuers, continuing education providers and more.

SCF $15.00/M
State $15.00/M
Zip $15.00/M
Title Level $20.00/M
Function $20.00/M
Industry $20.00/M
Key Coding $3.50/M
Email Delivery $100.00/F
Transmission Fee $120.00/M
HTML Setup $150.00/F
First 2 Tests NO CHARGE
Each Add'l Test $50.00/F
Personalization $10.00/M
View Online Hosting $50.00/F
Image Hosting $50.00/F
A/B Split $150.00/F
Suppression $150.00/F


Title Level   (20.00/M)
C Level 		

Function   (20.00/M)
Information Technology 		
Corporate Management 		
Tech (Engineering, Manufacturing, Operations, Research and Development) 		

Industry   (20.00/M)
Computer Hardware/Software 		
Industrial Equipment 		
Oil and gas 		

Ordering Instructions

  • 5,000 Name Minimum Order $0.00 Minimum Price
  • Net Name is not allowed
  • Please Inquire about Exchange
  • Broker Commission 20% on base
  • Agency Commission 15% on base
  • Please Inquire about Reuse
  • Cancellation fee at $250.00/F: Transmission: 24 working hours after test approval Cancelled orders are subject to a $250/F cancellation fee plus any applicable production charges.
  • Can spam and domain suppression are required. CAN SPAM Compliant. All orders are approved on a reciprocal rental. All transmissions must be completed through list owner/manager.