Cambridge Healthtech Institute Molecular Medicine Tri-Conference Attendees Email

The Cambridge Healthtech Institute Molecular Medicine Tri-Conference Attendees Masterfile enables you to reach up C-level executives, directors, and managers, scientists/technologists, professors and sales/marketing/assistants from leading biotech and pharmaceutical organizations. This audience may be targeted by postal, email and online display.

7,435 Total Universe / Universe Rate $450.00/M
7,435 U.S. Email Addresses $450.00/M
32,729 Postal Addresses $195.00/M


The Cambridge Healthtech Institute Molecular Medicine Tri-Conference Attendee Masterfile is made up C-level executives, directors, and managers, scientists/technologists, professors and sales/marketing/assistants from leading biotech and pharmaceutical organizations. Professionals from over 40 countries are focused on the advancement of Molecular Medicine, specifically on Discovery, Genomics, Diagnostics and Information Technology.


Molecular medicine is a broad field, where physical, chemical, biological and medical techniques are used to describe molecular structures and mechanisms, identify fundamental molecular and genetic errors of disease, and to develop molecular interventions to correct them.


Professionals in the The Molecular Tri-Conference Attendee Masterfile are receptive to marketing offers from retailers, government agencies, software developers, IT service providers, tradeshow coordinators, industry publications, financial institutions, robotics developers, medical suppliers, pharmaceuticals, and continuing education providers.


Cambridge Healthtech Institute strives to develop quality information sources that provide valuable new insights and competing points of view while offering balanced coverage of the latest developments. Basic research related to commercial implications is covered, with heavy emphasis placed on end-user insights into new products and technology as well as coverage on the strategy behind the business.  They report on innovative technologies from clinical trials to medical informatics and cover the application of informatics, IT and computer science in biomedical research and drug discovery.


Conferences include:  The Molecular Medicine Tri-Conference, Bio-IT World, PepTalk (The Protein Science Week), PEGS Summit (Protein and Antibody Engineering Summit), Biomarkers & Diagnostics World Congress, Drug Discovery Chemistry, The Bioprocessing Summit, Discovery on Target, Next Generation Dx Summit, SCOPE (Summit for Clinical Ops Executives) and World Preclinical Congress.

State $15.00/M
SCF $15.00/M
Zip $15.00/M
Job Function $20.00/M
Primary Business $20.00/M
Personalization $10.00/M
HTML Setup $150.00/F
Suppression $150.00/F


Job Function   (20.00/M)
Director 	1,550 	
Executive 	1,784 	
Manager 	890 	
Professor 	1,007 	
Scientist / Technologist 	2,204 	

Primary Business   (20.00/M)
Academic 	1,145 	
Biotechnical 	2,820 	
Healthcare 	420 	
Healthcare Provider 	645 	
Pharmaceutical Big 	1,123 	
Services 	488 	

Ordering Instructions

  • 5,000 Name Minimum Order $0.00 Minimum Price
  • Net Name is not allowed
  • Please Inquire about Exchange
  • Broker Commission 20% on base
  • Please Inquire about Reuse
  • Cancellation fee at $250.00/F: Orders cancelled prior to merge are subject to a $250/F cancellation fee plus any applicable production charges. Orders cancelled after merge purge are payable on full.