Business Management Executive News Canada list allows marketers to target professionals in providing solutions to business challenges. Business Management Executives are responsible for the overall path of the company. These high ranking executive titles are amongst the most influencial people in their organizations. These professionals rely on resource materials like books, reports, newsletters, and more to stay ahead of the game.
94,521 | Total Universe / Universe Rate | $150.00/M |
84,521 | Postal Addresses | $150.00/M |
22,333 | Female | + $10.00/M |
Business Management Executive News Canada list allows marketers to target professionals in providing solutions to business challenges. Business Management Executives are responsible for the overall path of the company. These high ranking executive titles are amongst the most influencial people in their organizations. These professionals rely on resource materials like books, reports, newsletters, and more to stay ahead of the game.
While some companies use titles such as CEO, chief technology officer and chief marketing offer, smaller companies may use president, vice president, director and manager as titles for their employees. These executive roles are responsible for making decisions that ensure their companies reach their financial and non-financial goals, while managers in each area oversee day-to-day operations. These forward thinking professionals generate ideas, initiatives and activities that improve revenue, increase sales, develop new marketplaces, and generate cost savings. They depend on trusted vendors and partners to offer products and services that give them a leading edge in business management and strategies.
Chief Executive Officer
Chief FInancial Officer
Senior Vice President
Chief Operating Officer
Executive Vice President
These professionals rely on resource materials like books, reports, newsletters, and audio tapes to stay abreast of topics on keep them informed on the new trends, products and services that are relevant to their business. They download resources that keep their business running at top capacity and stay on top of their game. . They also purchase products and services such as: Industry magazines, computers, laptops, software, office furniture, business attire, audio/visual equipment, electronics, credit cards, office supplies, company gifts, and so much more.
Job Category | $20.00/M |
SIC Code | $20.00/M |
Gender | $10.00/M |
Geo/Geographical | $10.00/M |
Key Coding | $5.00/M |
EMAIL DELIVERY | $100.00/F |
FTP | $100.00/F |
Job Category (20.00/M) Owner / Partner 20,332 C-Level Titles 3,440 President 12,734 Senior VP 1,599 VP 19,109 Director or High Level Executive 42,851 Senior Manager 2,559